”Waste not, want not,” right!? That’s what this page is all about. In making the best use of all that you have, you can save endless amounts of money! Here are links to tips where I share how to get the most out of what you have!

(I followed this tutorial for the art to frame one of my all time favorite verses! This is formatted to fit as a wallpaper for your phone, so grab it if you’d like this reminder 50x a day!)
First up is the one that saves me THE MOST money. It’s also the one I put off learning for the longest! Don’t be like me, learn how to render your own tallow today! This is the most nourishing base that I use in most of my homemade skincare. It’s also the healthiest oil to use for frying food, seasoning cast iron… so many uses!
A lot of people like the idea of making their own broth, but when it comes time to do it, it is such a chore! All the vegetables need to be chopped before they can even get started. With grocery prices these days, and the room required in the fridge, they need to learn a better way! Also, do you ever start to peel an onion and the layers are so thin and it’s taking forever, so you just go one layer deeper and take off a whole, healthy onion layer? I always felt guilty throwing that part away, but was too annoyed to try to separate it. Now, it all goes in the freezer to be turned into broth!
I learned this tip on the radio as I was scanning, and what a game changer for my life! (We eat a lot of cilantro in this house!!)

Keep your eyes peeled around your community— many people are renting a house where a tree they didn’t want was planted, or the trees have grown and they have more than they could ever know what to do with. You can spot these people by the condition of the ground under the trees— if you see a bunch of fruit on the ground, YOU WILL BE DOING THEM A DISSERVICE by being too embarrassed to offer your services! The worst thing that can happen is they’ll tell you no!
I know this one doesn’t really fall under saving money, but if for sure saves your sanity! If you don’t yet have a good system for grocery bags, here you go! Enjoy the peace of mind that comes from having a tidy drawer!
I’ll add more to this page as they come— some things take time! Last spring, I cut off the tops of my pineapples (I’ll show you what to look for as to whether or not it’s a viable top), sprouted them, and planted them. They are growing bigger, but no baby pineapples yet. I want to make sure that what I share actually works, so until I get little babies growing, I will keep this post on the back burner.

I have a KILLER system for laundry. We rarely get behind (and even then, it’s after being out of town or something abnormal going on like sickness) and it doesn’t feel like a chore! More to come…
I promise to only share with you food we eat, tips we actually live by, and how-to’s that work! Looking forward to you following along this journey with us!
Comment below if you have any unique tips that we need to know!
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