Today I’m sharing my topical remedy for eczema. If you are the parent of a child with eczema, you know how daunting it is to find a natural solution for your little one that works. It is such a hopeless feeling to see them suffering, adding insult to injury every single time they scratch, and not be able to do anything about their itchy skin.
Check Your Gut Health
Surely, I’m not the first place you have to come to in search of a solution. And like everyone else, I’m going to say emphatically that it starts with the gut. We can put all the creams and magical ointments we want (and those are necessary to bring momentary relief) but it’s all futile if the gut is a mess. First off, the immune system has to be addressed.
To quote the Weston A Price Foundation, “When we moved away from our traditional diet, with its emphasis on lacto-fermented foods, (this one too!) good fats, bone broths and properly prepared grains, we created the situation that has allowed chronic illnesses like eczema to flourish.”
Thankfully, I’ve got you covered on both fronts. Click the links above for recipes in all those foods. Eating these foods are KEY, but I dare say, even more important is what they stop eating: sugar and processed food. Keep reading for my eczema relief cream, boasting a unique blend of natural ingredients, that people with even the most sensitive skin can use!
Honey Eczema Cream
In spite of all of that, I was doing the best I could on the nutritional front. Yet still, my little, nursing-only baby still suffered from eczema. In my search, I found an expensive eczema honey cream that claimed it was the remedy for eczema. Inspecting it to make sure it had safe ingredients, I realized I already had it all… in my kitchen! (I didn’t have colloidal oatmeal, but I did have oatmeal that I would put in his baths.) If you make it yourself, you KNOW it is a non-toxic food grade product with the highest quality ingredients that you won’t have to worry about slathering all over your baby!
Key Ingredients:
Knowing all the healing benefits of tallow, I had to put it in my version of this healing cream! Many people are sensitive to shea butter and coconut oil, but I have yet to hear of anyone having an allergic reaction to tallow!
Regular organic olive oil is great… however, its benefits for skin shoot through the roof if you steep calendula in it first. (Check out my post on natural neosporin for the how-to on that.) But like I always say, “easy plus one!” Buy tallow already rendered, use olive oil straight from the bottle— don’t let recommendations for the “best” get in the way of you making this incredible eczema cream.
It is very important to ensure you are using raw honey for its antimicrobial properties. Regular honey is missing all the beneficial nutrients and antioxidants that are key to the anti-inflammatory properties of honey. No need to go with something fancy and expensive like manuka honey, but local is always best if you can find it!
And even little ol’ beeswax, that’s mostly here to stabilize our cream, creates an incredible moisture barrier.
How To Make Honey Eczema Cream
Like my other skincare products, I make this in portions relative to the size of container I’m using, rather than following a recipe. However, I bought 4oz amber jars in bulk, so I make most of my skincare in those. For that size, I use 30-35 drops of essential oil. Scale that according to the size you’re using for a good starting point for oils!
(Sign up for my bi-monthly emails to receive my ebook on the stocking your pantry with incredible ingredients for all your skincare needs!)
Here are the portions:
1/2 jar extra virgin olive oil (preferably infused with calendula)
1/4 jar tallow
1/4 jar raw, organic honey
1 TBS beeswax
Essential oil
For a 4 ounce Jar:
4 TBS extra virgin olive oil (preferably infused with calendula to provide additional antioxidants )
2 TBS tallow
2 TBS raw, organic honey
1 TBS beeswax
30-35 drops essential oils. (After a quick search as to oils best for eczema, I use 10 drops of tea tree, 5 drops peppermint, 5 drops geranium, 10 drops lavender and 5 drops chamomile.)
In a double boiler, melt tallow and beeswax together. Once thoroughly melted, add in the olive oil. Mix well to cool the oils. Once it’s just barely warm, stir in the raw honey. Add essential oils and mix for 30-60 seconds to fully incorporate everything together.
How To Use Honey Eczema Cream
Use on any dry areas of the skin or at first sign of any eczema symptoms. For my baby, a dime-sized amount would cover an entire leg, so a little bit goes a long way. The honey does give it a bit of a tacky texture, so I would cover him up immediately after applying. After it dries, a thin protective layer forms, but I played it safe (for my furniture’s sake) and covered him up right away. It never affected his clothing in a negative way. This is beneficial for anyone with a minor skin irritation or dry skin and is suitable for all skin types. Safe for daily use.
I even used this for his diaper rashes, and it provided quick healing!
Give this recipe a try if you are looking for a natural remedy for eczema or rough skin conditions.
Honey Eczema Cream Recipe
Check out this honey eczema cream recipe made with simple, kitchen ingredients that nourishes and heals suffering skin!
- 4 TBS extra virgin olive oil (preferably infused with calendula to provide additional antioxidants )
- 2 TBS tallow
- 2 TBS raw, organic honey
- 1 TBS beeswax
- 30-35 drops essential oils. (After a quick search as to oils best for eczema, I use 10 drops of tea tree, 5 drops peppermint, 5 drops geranium, 10 drops lavender and 5 drops chamomile.)
In a double boiler, melt tallow and beeswax together.
Once thoroughly melted, add in the olive oil. Mix well to cool the oils.
Once it’s just barely warm, stir in the raw honey.
Add essential oils and mix for 30-60 seconds to fully incorporate everything together.
Check out this post to see how to make calendula infused olive oil.
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