Here are 7 ways I use castor oil almost every day!

If the only thing you know about castor oil is it’s an old school way of inducing labor and helping with constipation, CHECK THIS OUT! Here is an excerpt from my e-book (free to you if you subscribe!) explaining why you need castor oil in your life!
This oil hails from ancient Egypt from a castor plant.
Legend has it that Cleopatra used castor oil to brighten
the whites of her eyes (which makes using it as a lash
serum not seem as risky)! It is a very thick oil that is
loaded with ricinoleic acid, omega 3, and vitamin E.
Castor oil is a major anti-inflammatory, be it skin,
arthritis, congestion—whatever ails! It is non-
comedogenic, making it a great choice for people
suffering with acne. It is highly nourishing and
moisturizing, which is so important for suffering skin.
In addition to all of that, studies have found it reduces
male pattern baldness, and possibly helps it grow back.
Women have raved about their periods easing up and
fertility improving when they regularly apply castor oil
to their lower stomach. According to National Library
of Medicine: Castor oil is deemed safe and tolerable,
with strong anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-
nociceptive, analgesic, antioxidant, wound healing and
vaso-constrictive properties. With those attributes, you
need this oil in your home!

#1– Oil Cleanser
If you’ve been around here for long, you already know the high praises I sing of this oil cleanser. Few things delight my life like my evening ritual of washing my face, and using a castor oil based oil cleanser makes it all the more luxurious.
Using a warm wash rag, I remove my top, easy-to-remove layer of makeup. Next, I drop about a dime size of oil cleanser into my hands and massage my face. (Massaging is double faceted: first, it works the oil into my skin. Second, it is a bit of a lymphatic massage, reducing swelling around my eyes, nose and neck.) Last, getting my wash rag as hot as I can stand it, I drape it over my face and press it into my skin. GLORY! It feels soo good! Once it starts to cool, I wipe the oil off with the wash rag and finish with tallow moisturizer.
This is hands down, the easiest skin care product you can make and is inferior to none!
#2– Lash Serum
Next to all my skincare products, I keep a small dropper bottle full of straight castor oil. Once I’ve moisturized, I put one drop on my fingertips and gently blink it on to my lashes. I add another drop and put it on my eyebrows.

#3– Lip Gloss
There’s nothing shinier! I sometimes think about adding glycerin just to help it taste a little better because it is quite bitter if you happen to taste it… But even as a simple nourishment for my lips before bed, I put a drop of castor oil on. There is no excuse for using toxic glosses with something cheap and nourishing like castor oil around!
#4– Hair Growth Serum
There minimal scientific studies that conclude that castor oil helps with hair loss. But being loaded with ricinoleic acid, omega 3 and vitamin E, we can deduce that it at least strengthens and nourishes hair. There are proven studies on using rosemary for hair growth, so I mix that in with the castor oil. With it being so thick, I used to only use it once in a blue moon because it was so much work to wash out. My “if a little bit helps, a lot will cure” mentality was sabotaging me again! All it takes is a few drops massaged into your scalp where you’re noticing hair loss. I like to put it on before bed so it has adequate time to soak in. It washes out easily the next morning!
(If you’re daring, you can use one dropper bottle with rosemary for all the uses. It is a little intense for the eyes, but if you’re like me and have abused your eyes with years of contact wear, you can handle it! My little girls with virgin eyeballs cannot handle it!)
#5– Cuticle Oil
I am constantly rubbing any/all oil I get on my hands INTO my hands and nails (even butter!). So, since I put this on my lashes every night, I always have residue to rub into my hands, but I focus my attention on my nails. It’s been years since I’ve had a manicure, and I attribute my tidy cuticles to their daily dose of castor oil!
#6– Cramp Relief
Castor oil is proven to be effective in regulating hormones that cause pain during the female cycle. For best relief, make a castor oil pack, cover it with plastic, then place a hot pad on top of that. I rarely take the time to do that, and thankfully I am not ever laid flat with menstruation pain. So instead, I use a few drops as a carrier oil for a women’s wellness essential oil.

#7– Wound Care
I use it as a vital ingredient to my healing balm, but even if I don’t have any of that made up at the moment, castor oil alone is a great substitute to using something like neosporin. It is proven that the vitamins encourage healing, and the ricinoleic acid reduces inflammation.
Comment below and let us know the ways you use castor oil in your home! And don’t forget to pin this (using the tan “p” on the left) for easy reference!
2 responses to “7 Surprisingly Beneficial Ways To Use Castor Oil”
These are all great easy ways to start implanting castor oil into everyday items. Thank you!
Let me know if you notice a difference with your lashes! My sister completely restored her trashed-from-extension lashes with just castor oil!

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